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浏览次数:5293    添加时间:2006/5/15    来源:kenny

Dear Dad:











       “一个人丢弃他所不能持守的,得到无人可夺去的,他绝不是傻瓜。”(译者注:1956年被奥卡(Auca)的印第安人杀害的殉道士吉姆.艾利奥特(Jim Elliot)所说。和耶稣所说「一个人就是赢得了全世界,却赔上了自己的生命,有什么益处呢?」(马太福音16章26节)异曲同工。)

儿子:Joseph Tsang


Dear Dad:

How are things going over there for you? I'm sure you are still very busy with everything. Well I'm doing well here in the states. I'm sure you've heard that i moved out of my apartment. Now I'm living in the living room of my friends apartment. This seems to always happen to me in my last year of any
institutioal life. My last year of middle school i moved to the U.S, last year of high school move into my John's house, and last year of college live in the
living room. But i don't mind, its actually fun.

I'm starting to cook alot again. The firend I'm living with is also a good cook, so we go shopping every week for different dishes to make. So far living here for three weeks i have not made a duplicate dish. Everyday is something new. He is also a clean freak, so I am learning how to keep the kitchen spotless.

LSAT is really tough. This second test i took i only improve me a little. I am still 45% away from the score that i want. ANd i only have less than 4 weeks
left to improve my score. I have been stressing over this because now i have to choose between summer school or taking another session of LSAT class during the summer. But if i don't take the summer classes then i can't minor in sociology, and will just be left with a Philosophy and Law and Society Major.

I asked the counselors at law school administration and they recommend me to drop the sociology minor becuase that does not weigh in to the academic index as much as the LSAT score.

So right now my conclusion is that if i don't get the score I am aiming for then i will drop sociology, but if my score is good then i will take my LSAT in June 12.

Ive been learning a lot recently abotu life.  Couple days ago just when i was overwhelmed by all the LSAT study, midterm, church, friends, apartment issue, and financial issue, i went to take a walk. The more i walked the worst i felt about myself because of my inferiority and incompetence compared to other people. I am not as logical, weaker in body, less social then others. I'm lagging behind in LSAT, can't catch up with school work, and am just overwhelmed by everything around me. I don't think i can cut it. Then when i collapsed on a bench and just cried to GOd for help a pack of birds flew by above me. I saw the birds in the air, and i told GOd how i wished i could just be a bird. Without trouble, without worry, without anxiety, and without pressure. I could just fly and enjoy life. Then as the birds flew out of my sight, i saw the distant mountains, and then the distant horizon, and the clouds above me, and the trees around me, and lastely the little flower before me with a little insect crawling on it.

I realized that everything is going to be okay. Because i am of more value to GOd than all of these things combined. ANd if the birds of the air do not
care and is not burdened with the future, why should i, will not God take care of me? Furthermore, i realized i was part of a giant ecosystem and a
biological world that consists of animals, plants, insects, atmospheres, and planets. I am but a small, tiny, dust according to the bigger picture. Putting
everything thing else in perspective, i realize the midterm the next day, and the LSAT prep is just not as important and daunting any more. I can do this. I will do my best and if i fail it will still be okay. I am not required to succeed. I am only required to try.

This world we live in is but temporary. The GPA and LSAT score but a means to an end. What use is it if i gained the scores but failed as a human being. What use would i have gained if i gained what was soon to be lost.

"A man is no fool to give what he can not keep to gain what he can not lose."

I hope this lesson may relieve some of your stress and your concerns.

God Bless.
Your Son,

Joseph Tsang



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